Inspired Games (London) Ltd


Registered office:

The Mill Building

31-35 Chatsworth Road


West Sussex

BN11 1LY

United Kingdom

T +44  (0) 1903 264086


Company registered in

England: No. 16072146


Email us:

or please use our Contact Form

Our Office Hours:

Monday - Friday 9am - 5 pm

Licensing of custom made games for football clubs

Our action–packed STARPLAYER football board, card and dice games can be custom made as branded Club Editions to create the perfect gift for Club supporters - a truly fitting and lasting tribute to a Club's players and manager.

We use photographs, not illustrations, of players, managers and stadium to be featured on the game board and playing cards.

Design and artwork

We fully recognise that a high quality product is essential to reflect the professionalism, quality and aspirations of your Club. Our Design team on each project is personally led by our Design Director. We pay careful attention to detail in the completion of high quality artwork and printing.

Quality products made in the UK

STARPLAYER games are made entirely in the UK which means we retain full quality control, which we consider paramount. We can complete and deliver orders within several weeks of completing artwork. We retain complete control over amendments each season to reflect club transfers.

Not only Premiership clubs can win with STARPLAYER  

We can produce STARPLAYER board, dice and card games in relatively small production runs which means it's not only the big clubs which can benefit from exciting Club Editions of STARPLAYER games.

In developing our game for families and friends, we didn’t just focus on amazing gameplay…

Eco–friendly products

We know that the future of our planet is important to millions around the world concerned for the future of our children - and it's paramount to our directors and their children too. Please review our Eco-friendly policy and see why STARPLAYER games are so special in more ways than one.

Learning & Development

STARPLAYER Games can help considerably in child development of social skills, numeracy and literacy. Club Editions are based on the exact same gameplay and rules of our successful games.

We are confident that INSPIRED GAMES and the STARPLAYER brand would successfully contribute to the future success and growth of any Club. To discuss potential Club Edition games for your club in strictest confidence, please telephone or write to us by email at or use our confidential online contact enquiry form here.

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© Inspired Games (London) Limited 2024. All rights reserved.